The story I’m working on for class is “Phil’s Good Old Days” The stories setting? Well let’s say it is somewhere very similar to our world but slightly skewed. I can’t say it is in our future but it certainly is in theirs… the people that inhabit this slightly skewed version of our universe that is. It is set in the future. How far into the future? Well somewhere around 8 years after those electric scooters for rent companies descended onto the landscape. In a way it is an apocalyptic dystopia sort of story. I mean the setting is bleak and harsh and definitely threatening to the continued existence of our species. How detailed this setting will be is still up in the air as I am trying to decide how much needs to be said and how much implied. The first draft is a little exposition heavy and that can be a real drag. This is intended to be a short piece and short pieces really call for brevity of explanation and that has always been a challenge for me. I am currently in the how much to trim panic. Something I think every writer knows. Anyway the story is full of scooters and death and despair and well, I hope it isn’t too prophetic.