My Blog

Launch Day

Well believe it or not but today is the day. That’s right you heard it right today I am publishing my new short story, “Phil’s Good Ol’ Days,” right here on this very website. Just click here and read it in all its glory.

New Campaigns

Well I just completed and scheduled 2 count ’em 2 email campaigns through Mailchimp. Surprisingly daunting for someone who thought they were at least tolerably tech savvy. Now I know the truth. However the doodoo is about to hit the fan and I hope I haven’t screwed it up too badly. Anyway a whole bunch of people I know will find out either way tomorrow. Oh joy.

The strange what(?) in my brain

I am not used to not having a clue to understanding technical construction issues. I’ve used lots of programs and dealt with many computer languages in the past but apparently now I am slogging through molasses with my frigging ass hanging out. Oh well.

My story’s setting

The story I’m working on for class is “Phil’s Good Old Days” The stories setting? Well let’s say it is somewhere very similar to our world but slightly skewed. I can’t say it is in our future but it certainly is in theirs… the people that inhabit this slightly skewed version of our universe that is. It is set in the future. How far into the future? Well somewhere around 8 years after those electric scooters for rent companies descended onto the landscape. In a way it is an apocalyptic dystopia sort of story. I mean the setting is bleak and harsh and definitely threatening to the continued existence of our species. How detailed this setting will be is still up in the air as I am trying to decide how much needs to be said and how much implied. The first draft is a little exposition heavy and that can be a real drag. This is intended to be a short piece and short pieces really call for brevity of explanation and that has always been a challenge for me. I am currently in the how much to trim panic. Something I think every writer knows. Anyway the story is full of scooters and death and despair and well, I hope it isn’t too prophetic.

So this bloggedy thing

I guess I need to add to this bloggedy thing. Today I almost finished one new scene for a book I’m not writing, yet. The scene just popped in my head last night and I figured I should write it down since I remembered it this morning. I have no idea if it is part of a short story or a book. I also baked another gingerbread bundt cake with maple frosting. Here is photographic proof. Oh that sack of cookies? Just some pfeffernusse cookies I also made.

Phil’s Good Old Days

I am currently in Joe Bunting’s course Write To Publish, and working on a short story called “Phil’s Good Old Days.” I was inspired by this new trend of rentable electric scooters that has hit the country. Here in Louisville that has led to a couple of real close calls I’ve had with being hit by scooter riders while out walking my dog. I think the real moment this story was born was when one guy who was whizzing by perilously close to me got upset when my dog’s prey response was triggered and he went all crazy and barky. The guy slowed down and looked back at me with a “learn to control your dog” grimace. I said out loud, “You’re the one riding on the sidewalk chum!” (Notice how severe I get when I’m angry… I called him chum!). Anyway I’m convinced this whole scooter enterprise will come to a bad end. It may take some time but someone will probably die. I wrote about it to hurry up the process.